Today's the winter solstice--tonight, the longest night of the year--and as I prepare to do the traditional naked solstice dance around the traditional tiny facsimile of Stonehenge (what, that isn't something every family does at the holidays?) my thoughts go back to all the wonderful things I experienced during the lengthening days of springtime and summer, as well as forward to the year ahead.
Springtime saw the publication of the first issue of The Sock Report, of which I was so proud to be a founding contributor. I taught a terrific class in the spring quarter, during which I got to explore with my students a lot of natural processes, including photoreactivity, oxidation, humidification, acidification, and decomposition, that have an impact on heritage preservation as well as on the fiber arts. (I'll discuss one of them at greater length in a future post, when I've had a chance to take the necessary photos.) I saw a solar eclipse and a hummingbird snuggled in its thimble-sized nest. I played a tiny part in a profound work of art. I gave my first keynote speech at a conference. Lots of friends had babies, so I knitted lots of baby stuff. And I learned to fly (a little bit, and with a lot of help). It was a great year in so many ways.

As the days start to get longer once again and the year renews itself, I'm making a renewed commitment to all the things that restore and enrich me. One of those things is giving--whether that's in the form of gifts, money, or time, or teaching and writing, or cooking and feeding the people I love most. Hugs will also be involved; I see a lot of those ahead in 2013. (Cheesy. I know. Don't care.) Another is knitting. So what better way to mark the solstice, start bringing the light back, and celebrate the close of one year and the opening of another than by giving a gift of knitting to those who give me the kind gift of their interest and attention?
Leave a comment on this post any time between now and January 1, letting me know what you gave in 2012 and why that felt good. You might have given up smoking, given a stranger a high five at a football game, given a crap about the election, given your relationship another go, given a child up for adoption or given a puppy a new home, given someone change for a dollar or the shirt off your back, given a party, given your word, given at the office, given offense or given comfort. But you all gave something, and here's your chance to give your version of that event! I'll select two of the comments at random and send each of you a copy of the bound edition of the first issue of The Sock Report to help you start the year off right and look forward to it being spring again...
I'll be joining you to greet the return of the sun, however, I will sleep before I do. I have decided that I am too old for this all night stuff. I llok forward to longer days.
I love the scarf/shawl you have pictured, Chickpea? It is really lovely.
Thanks for Sock Report. It is so nice to have more uses for my continually growing stash of sock yarn.
I gave up some unhealthy habits and lost 35 pounds this year!
I gave up getting angry for small stuff, gave up mumbling on the past and gave up eating sugar. I feel much better now.
I gave my time this year to two organizations that mean a lot to me. The Distress Centre of Toronto (a crisis line) and the Mood Disorder Association of Ontario. I started volunteering in the summer and I hope to be volunteering still in 2013!
I gave blood at the local blood drive.
Mostly I have given a lot of love to my little son, which he has trifold returned.
This year I found myself giving a lot more of well, me. I've given more effort in supporting non-profit organizations that are making differences in people's lives around the world. I've also given more of my time to listen to those around me whether verbally or though body language. Actions can reveal more than words. I hope to continue this path in 2013.
I gave up being angry at myself about some things I can't control -- which is such a big change. I don't quite know what to do with all my free time, now that I'm not using it all up on anger and guilt.
I gave myself time to heal from my breast cancer surgeries and chemo!
I signed up to be a organ and tissue donor to give the gift of life
I gave birth to a baby boy who is now celebrating his first holiday season. :)
I volunteered at my son's school outings several times this year (before he gets too old to want me to do it!)
Happy holidays!
(dianac on Rav)
I gave myself permission to take care of my health, after being a care giver for 3 years
This year I gave knitted gifts to three new babies in my life, and gave sweaters to my own girls. Also, began giving my time to my daughter's new school, doing my best to create a sense of community where it's sadly lacking. I hope this expands in the new year! Merry Christmas everyone and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.
This year I wrangled children and teenagers for fun and profit, my own and my grade 7 class in my first year as an (elderly) teaching graduate. Most importantly, I tried to give my children and my husband support and stability when his cancer recurred after nearly 4 years in remission. Thing look ok now,but we'll really know in February and until then I'll try and give my family clam and happiness.
And I'll knit so I don't kill people......
I always feel a bit self-serving speaking about the things I've done but I'd love to win a copy of the Sock Report! I gave love, support and handknits to my cousin, who is going through a very difficult time.
I gave up caring what others thought of me which has been difficult but freeing at the same time.
I gave money to various charities and non-profits to help animals and people as best I could. I also gave away all of the finished objects I made this year to friends, family, and a local homeless shelter. I would like to spend 2013 giving more of myself to others, while at the same time increasing the amount of time I give to myself.
My younger brother decided to move across country to be with his birth mother after she had a stroke. Just before he left, I knit him a pair of socks to remember home. He says that every time he puts them on, he feels like he is sitting at the dinner table with his family, here. His birth mother is doing better and I am glad he is able to spend some time with her.
I gave a lot of myself and my time to teens not my own and discovered how much I enjoy that age group.
I gave up a big chunk of "knitting-for-me" time to knit two sweaters for a small cousin whose mother doesn't knit.
I also gave up another big chunk of "me" time to crank out two scarves and eight hats, to be distributed among three different groups.
I have not finished one single solitary thing for ME this year, and I am running out of time...
I gave to charities many things that I had been keeping "just in case". I gave myself permission to stop worrying so much for myself and give more to others.
greyowl (ravelry id)
MissBunt(Rav) this past year I worked hard at giving myself permission to take time to exercise daily & not worry about how much " time" I was using to do it- that my health and well being we're worth it.
To be there for my friends whether it's just being a good listener or make chicken soup.
I recycled a Kindle and iPad by passing them on to others. I'd much rather pass my older electronic gadgets on to someone who could enjoy them, than sell them for a small amount.
I gave lots of time to those who were hit hard by Sandy. Days after the storm, I helped cook taylor ham and egg sandwiches(a Jersey staple) for breakfast. We made hot dogs, burgers and chicken soup for lunch. We went door to door handing out snacks, drinks, cleaning products and beloved lip balm to those who were too busy putting their posessions and parts of their homes at the curb from garbage pick up. Many of them were so greatful and gave us a smile for the little part that we were doing. That was so much more than they had to give, we were happy to be helping.
Rav. id - love2read
My husband and I were walking on a local bike/hike trail that runs near our house last spring and we encountered 2 young women who had been riding side-by-side and had bumped and crashed. Only injuries were minor scrapes but the bikes were damaged beyond riding. They were about 6 miles from where they had parked their cars so I offered to drive them since I have a pickup truck and we were close to my home. The group they were riding with went on and we loaded up their bikes and met them down the road. They and their group were somewhat astonished that I did this and all were very grateful. I didn't think it was a big deal since I was there and had the time and resources to help. I asked them all to pay it forward and hopefully they did if they encountered someone in need.
I gave up being so hard on myself and I gave up waiting for Mr I gave myself the gift to be myself :).
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! The things I want to share are that I gave a home to my new dog (Holly) and we are getting on well. I also gave to a friend by helping Santa bring presents for her kids. It felt really good to help, something I did not anticipate!
The biggest gift was to my ailing 87 year old father. I gave him love, support, and much time doing cooking, laundry, driving to doctors appointments. I also started knitting again after many years absence. I gave my sister in law up north 2 knit cowls. I also made a gave to a dear friend to cowls to use when her husband takes her for spin on his motorcycle. I also made a pet bed for the local humane society shelter.
Already getting started with 2013 gifts and a copy of the sock report would be wonderful. Happy New Year.
The biggest gift was to my ailing 87 year old father. I gave him love, support, and much time doing cooking, laundry, driving to doctors appointments. I also started knitting again after many years absence. I gave my sister in law up north 2 knit cowls. I also made a gave to a dear friend to cowls to use when her husband takes her for spin on his motorcycle. I also made a pet bed for the local humane society shelter.
Already getting started with 2013 gifts and a copy of the sock report would be wonderful. Happy New Year.
I gave my coworker a pair of socks. It felt good because I followed through - I had some wrist problems that meant they took a lot longer than expected.
I gave several friends the gift of knitting!! I use to knit by myself at the lunch table at work but in 2012 I got three of the gals knitting with me!! I also got my best friend knitting!!
I gave Prayer Shawls and baptismal blankets. I gave my Dad felted clogs. I gave time to my church and local homeless shelter. I gave up trying to do it all.
Rav ID: Dibble
I gave several knitted gifts to relatives and friends this year. Knowing how much work went in to each item, it's hard to separate, but I think the new owners each appreciate their gifts, and that makes me feel very good.
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